Friday, September 11, 2009

“Drop by drop, we fill the gourd,” --swahili proverb

Who is against clean water? Who would really be against saving the Earth? Why wouldn’t you want health insurance for everybody? And thus bill, by bill, guilt trip by guilt trip they lead you down their path with countless little threads of good intentions until one day you wake up and realize that these threads have become chords and are a noose tied around the neck of liberty. In that day you'll see too late that your individual freedoms are just as endangered as the spotted owls they promised to protect.

A free nation requires men and women who are so jealous of their freedoms that public scorn and sanctimony mean nothing to them. It requires people who esteem their freedoms so highly that they worship them as a gift from an all mighty God. Inalienable rights after all can only be given away, just like a person must choose the path that leads to Hell.